Posted in 1890 fleets War of 1898

USS Maine (1889)

USA – Armoured Cruiser 1888-1898 USS Maine was the first USN armoured cruiser made famous by the war she indirectly…

Posted in 1890 fleets 1890 Spanish Armada War of 1898

Infanta Maria Teresa class cruisers (1890)

Infanta Maria Teresa class cruisers (1890) Spanish Armada (1888-1898): Armoured Cruisers Infanta Maria Teresa, Vizcaya, Almirante Oquendo If it is…

Posted in War of 1898

Cristóbal Colón (1896)

Cristóbal Colón (1896) Spanish Armada (1894-1898): Armoured Cruiser The Spanish armored cruiser Cristóbal Colón was a warship that was built…

Posted in 1890 Spanish Armada Spanish Armada WW1 War of 1898

Pelayo (1887)

Spanish pre-dreadnought Battleship (1885-1929) Pelayo was a French-built Battleship, first modern one in service with the Armada. A fitting subject…

Posted in War of 1898 ww1 US Navy

USS Brooklyn (1895)

Armoured Cruiser (1895) The USS Brooklyn in a few lines Recognizable by her three very tall funnels, the USS Brooklyn…

Posted in Industrial Era Battles War of 1898

Battle of Santiago de Cuba (july, 3, 1898)

Spanish Armada vs US Navy Cuba’s decisive naval battle The Battle of Santiago de Cuba, was seen by some as…

Posted in Industrial Era Battles War of 1898

Battle of Manila May, 1, 1898

Spanish Armada vs US Navy Map of Manila’s battle actions (public domain) Swapping an Empire for Another The origins The…

Posted in Naval History War of 1898

The Spanish-American War of 1898

USN and Armada, context, developments, battles. How the “splendid little war” began As we know, this war began with the…