Posted in ww1 Russian Navy

Sissoi Veliky class battleships (1896)

Sissoi Veliky class battleships (1896) Russia (1896) Battleships Rostislav, Sissoi Veliky Both battleships were very similar, in fact they were…

Posted in WW1 French Navy

Danton class Battleships (1909)

Danton class Battleships (1909) France (1909) Condorcet, Danton, Diderot, Mirabeau, Vergniaud, Voltaire France’s last pre-dreadnought battleships The six Dantons were…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy

Canopus class battleships (1897)

Canopus class battleships (1897) United Kingdom (1897) Canopus, Albion, Glory, Goliath, Ocean, Vengeance Successors of the Majestic Five ships of…

Posted in Austro-Hungarian Navy

Monarch class coastal battleships (1895)

Monarch class coastal battleships (1895) Monarch, Wien, Budapest The Coastal Battleships: This type of “pocket” battleship existed in any second…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy

Majestic class battleships (1894)

Majestic class battleships (1894) United Kingdom (1894) Majestic, Caesar, Hannibal, Jupiter, Illustrious, Magnificient, Mars, Prince Georges, Victorious British oldest battleships…

Posted in WW2 Japanese Navy

Aoba class heavy cruisers (1926)

Aoba class heavy cruisers (1926) Japan, 1926. Heavy Cruisers Aoba, Kinugasa The Improved Furutaka The two heavy cruisers of the…

Posted in WW1 Royal Navy

Iron Duke class Dreadnoughts (1911)

Iron Duke class Dreadnoughts (1911) United Kingdom (1911) Iron Duke, Marlborough, Benbow, Emperor of India The last prewar dreadnought class…

Posted in ww2 US Navy

Baltimore class heavy cruisers (1942)

Baltimore class (1942) Heavy cruisers (1942-46): USS Baltimore, Boston, Camberra, Quincy, Pittsburgh, St. Paul, Columbus, Chicago, Bremerton, Fall River, Los…